Upcoming events

January- Old Rd. 37

January- Old Rd. 37

Welcome to 2025 and the first cleanup of the year! Let's get out there and start the new year out strong. We will be cleaning Old Rd 37 this month and will meet in the parking lot next to the Publix Plaza pictured. We will have all the supplies needed and drinks to share. See you soon!

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February- Lake Parker Southwest outfall

February- Lake Parker Southwest outfall

We have heard that this area is very littered again so we're going to get back out there to make it beautiful again! This area can get quite muddy so boots are recommended, but not required. Kids also have a great time at this location so bring those little helpers! We will have all supplies and drinks as well. Specific meeting location will be posted in the discussion.

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December- Lake Mirror

December- Lake Mirror

We will be back to Lake Mirror this weekend! Since the Christmas parade route goes around the lake and the snow fest is Saturday night, we will be cleaning up the trash that ends up in the water. If you would like to bring a kayak feel free, but we will have lots of nets to clean the shore and over the wall as well.💚😊❤️

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November- TBA

November- TBA

We have found a location that needs some help! We will be cleaning Harden Blvd. and will have all supplies, drinks, and safety vests since we are near a roadway. We will also be cleaning Beaker Rd. which is safer for the younger volunteers.😊 It will be best to park along Beaker Rd. and we will start there. Hope to see everyone again soon!👏🚮🌎

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2024 Cardboard Boat Challenge

2024 Cardboard Boat Challenge

Come out to Lake Hollingsworth and help us cheer on the racers! We will be partnering with the City's Lakes and Storm Water division and will be giving out goodies. Meet our team and learn more about how you can volunteer!

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September- Lake Parker

September- Lake Parker

We will be one of a few groups cleaning different areas of Lake Parker this day! Come out and make this cleanup HUGE! This area is not a great kayak opportunity, but we will certainly do that again soon. All ages are welcome, and supplies will be provided. Our location will be at the southwest outfall which is at the corner of Bon Air St and Lakeshore Dr. Shout-out to the girl scouts and Owls Nest Sanctuary for cleaning as well!

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August- Lake Mirror

August- Lake Mirror

The recent, heavy rains have brought a lot of garbage into Lake Mirror so we are going to get this lake beautiful again! This will be another early cleanup before it gets hot. Please bring your own water, but we will have all the supplies needed! BYOK (bring your own kayak) as some of our team will also be in the water as well and you can join too if you have one If not that’s ok as we will have several long nets to reach trash over the wall. Sadly, we call this lake the "Straw Lake" as we generally find hundreds with its downtown location. Because of this we are going to play a game! Volunteers who participate next week will be able to play guess the number of straws we collect and the closest guess will win a reusable KLB water bottle! Any age can join and play! Bring those community service papers as well!

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July- Lake Beulah

July- Lake Beulah

We will be starting early to beat the heat! Please bring your own water as we will not be pulling the cart along. We will park on the East side of the lake on the back side of the RP Funding center. I would advise wearing sunscreen and a hat to protect you from the summer sun.🌞 This is a great location for kids if you can get them up early!😊

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May- Lake Hunter

May- Lake Hunter

Last time we cleaned Lake Hunter, we were rained out so hopefully we will have more luck this time! We will be working on the south side of the lake which is a lot of shoreline to cover so come on out and lend a helping hand. Supplies and drinks provided, and we can also sign those community service papers! Hope to see you soon!

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April- TBA

April- TBA

It's Earth month! Come out and join us so we can make a difference for our planet🌎🌞🌅 We will be joining some of the My Pet's Animal Hospital crew and cleaning Drane Field rd. There will be plenty of parking at the hospital. This road isn't generally busy, but we will have bright vests for children as well as adults if needed. Hope to see lots of volunteers!👏 Supplies and drinks provided!

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March- Lake Parker

March- Lake Parker

We will post the exact location closer to the event date. We are going to see which area of the lake needs our help the most! Come on out and help us beautify Lakeland's largest lake. We will provide all the supplies and have drinks as well. See you soon!

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February- Lake Beulah

February- Lake Beulah

Join us in cleaning our adopted lake, Lake Beulah! It's been a while so we will need lots of help. Unfortunately, this hidden gem collects a lot of trash that people throw out so we always have lots to collect here. We will provide all supplies and have some drinks to share. Don't forget we can also sign community service papers! See you soon!

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January- Lake Wire

January- Lake Wire

Let's start the new year off strong and make Lake Wire beautiful! This lake accumulates a lot of trash and it's great for all ages to join. Want community service hours, come on out! Want to clean to meet your new year's resolution goal, come on out! Can only stay an hour, come on out! Don't let that stop you from making a difference. Whatever your reason, come join us and have some fun! We will provide all the supplies you need and will start on the south side of the lake.

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December- Lake Parker Southwest Outfall

December- Lake Parker Southwest Outfall

We will be out at the southwest side of Lake Parker near the pollution control device near the corner of Bon Air St and Lakeshore Dr. This area accumulates a TON of garbage, and the device helps tremendously, but it doesn’t catch everything. That’s where we come in! We will provide all the supplies so come on out and help us make this area spotless! Bring those community service papers for the young volunteers so we can give them credit for their hard work. Please send us a message if you have any questions.

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Live Green Ecofest

Live Green Ecofest

Come on out and see us at the Ecofest at Munn Park! We will have fun activities for the kids and giveaways. We will also have a raffle for some KLB goodies! This is a great event to attend and lots of fun. We will update with our booth location once that has been determined. See you there! Our booth will be located near the corner of N Tennessee Ave and East Main Street.

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November- Lake Mirror

November- Lake Mirror

ANNOUNCEMENT: WE WILL BE AT Lake Mirror this morning due to the numerous events that have occured around the lake lately. This lake needs help sooner than December so we are switching locations.

We will be out at the southwest side of Lake Parker near the pollution control device. This area accumulates a TON of garbage and the device helps tremendously, but doesn't catch everything. That's where we come in! We will provide all the supplies so come on out and help us make this area spotless!

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September- Lake Beulah

September- Lake Beulah

Let's get back out there! After days of rain from the hurricane, our lakes need extra help so let's get out there and make a difference. We need all the help we can get these next few months so we can reach our goal. Now is the time we need YOU!💪👏😁 If you're new to joining us, we provide all the supplies and provide drinks as well. All you need to bring is yourself and maybe a few helping hands😊🌎🚮

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June- Lake Hunter

June- Lake Hunter

This month we will be out at Lake Hunter! We will work on the south - southeast side of the lake as another group will be cleaning the north end the weekend prior. This is a great lake for all ages, and we will of course provide all the supplies. These rains are going to bring LOTS of trash, so we'll see you soon!

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May- Lake Beulah

May- Lake Beulah

Location to be announced! Submit your suggestions via email, alert the team, or message us on social media. We will be out looking for the most problematic areas to clean!

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April- Lake Parker

April- Lake Parker

We will be cleaning one of the outfalls around Lake Parker. We have got word that there is a large collection of litter in this area and with the water lower than usual we should be able to clean most of it. This is a long stretch so we can use all the help we can get! We will have cold drinks to share and all the supplies we will need. Can't wait to see everyone there!

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March- Harden Blvd.

March- Harden Blvd.

We will be cleaning up part of Harden Blvd. this month. This road needs lots of help so please come out and help us make it beautiful! We will park along Beaker Rd then make our way south along Harden Blvd. This can be a busy road so I would be cautious with younger volunteers. The school year is nearing the end so bring those students who need volunteer hours! We will have all equipment as usual as well as child/adult safety vests and drinks. See you there!

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February cleanup- Lake Wire

February cleanup- Lake Wire

The location for our cleanup this weekend has been determined. We will be joining forces with our very own Lakeland Rotary club. They adopted Lake Wire last year and routinely clean it so we are going to join them on Saturday. Any and all additional help is welcome! The more people we have, the more we can clean!😁 It's going to be a little chilly Saturday morning so we are going to start a little later than usual at 10:30. We will provide all supplies so come on out and help us make a difference. This is also a great lake for our younger volunteers so bring them as well! We can sign volunteer hour paperwork as well. See you soon!👏🌎🗑️

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Lake Beulah Cleanup (January)

Lake Beulah Cleanup (January)

What better way to start the new year then to help your community!👏😁 Be apart of our team this year and join us in our efforts to make Lakeland more BEAUTIFUL 🌅 We provide all supplies and drinks. You can join in at any time and stay as long as you want. This is a great lake for volunteers of all ages so bring everyone and anyone. Let's start the new year strong!🤩

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December- Lake Wire Cleanup

December- Lake Wire Cleanup

Hopefully the rain holds out for us this time. We will be back out to Lake Wire this month for our December cleanup. This is a great lake for all ages so bring those young helpers! We will provide all supplies and have drinks to share. Come on out and make a difference!😊 Should be nice and cool👏🌅🌎 We are very close to 200 bags collected so we need all the help we can get! Let's finish the year and reach our goal!👏🥳

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November- Lake Wire Cleanup

November- Lake Wire Cleanup


It's that time again! We will be back out to Lake Wire this month for our November cleanup. This is a great lake for all ages so bring those young helpers! We will provide all supplies and have drinks to share. Come on out and make a difference!

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Lake Beulah Cleanup

Lake Beulah Cleanup

KLB has officially adopted Lake Beulah, therefore we clean it quarterly. It’s been 3 months so it’s time to get out there again and help our beautiful lake! If you would like to participate come on out! Supplies will be provided and we will also have some drinks to share. This is a great lake for young volunteers to participate so bring those little helping hands as well. Stay for as long as you like. Any help is much appreciated!

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Lake Mirror Cleanup

Lake Mirror Cleanup

Come on out and join us at Lake Mirror! Let's make this lake even more beautiful! This lake is a great opportunity for young volunteers to help out as well. We will have all supplies including nets to scoop all the trash out that accumulates along the edge and drinks to cool off. All you have to do is come out and lend a helping hand!

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Lake Parker Cleanup

Lake Parker Cleanup

  • 910 Granada Street Lakeland, FL, 33805 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This month we will be joining our partners over at Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife with their cleanup at Lake Parker. They have adopted this lake in efforts to improve the habitat for the different endangered species that call this lake home. If you haven't been able to make it out yet, this is a great opportunity to not only help with cleanup efforts, but to provide a clean environment for the wildlife that lives there. We will provide all supplies and have lots of drinks. Can't wait to see everyone!

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